

a little bit about me 

David Page Portrait 500px

Originally from Nottingham, England. I moved to France in 2007 for a bit of a continental adventure and now consider France to be my home. Married with four beautiful children. I speak both French and English, one better than the other.

I love family life, laughing, food, wine, great company, walking our dogs, music, dancing and beautiful images. So it's no surprise to me why I consider myself to be such a lucky man to be photographing weddings in France for a living. I have two passions in photography. Weddings and creating photography to hang on walls.

Covering weddings mainly across the beautiful South West of France I've been lucky enough to have received international awards through professional bodies such as the WPJA (Wedding PhotoJournalist Assosciation), Fearless Photographers and the ISPWP (International Society of Wedding photographers) for my documentary wedding photography. I have held gallery exhibitions of my art photography in Limoges, Rancon, Riberac, Chalais and Le Dorat. With the success of my wedding photography I have had less available time to exhibit in traditional galleries hence the creation of this online virtual gallery space.

I think maybe I should have written something more personal about myself but I'm quite a private kind of bloke. I've always loved change. New things excite me. Beautiful things fill me with smiles. Kindness makes me happy. I am fortunate enough to have met so many wonderful people in my life who have inspired me to do what I do today.

I really hope you enjoy looking around the galleries here and find something that you would love to see on a wall space of your own. Images to inspire.

Your English speaking wedding photographer in France, it'd be great to hear from you.

My images are also available for licencing for commercial use. A few examples of book covers that my photography has been used for.
